Certificated By RISE Program As A Local Small And Diverse Business
Affordable Striping & Sealing is honored to receive certification from the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, or RTC, as a local small and diverse business. The certification is part of the RTC’s RISE program.
What Is the Function of the RTC?
The RTC is responsible for overseeing a variety of regional planning initiatives. These include roadway design and construction funding, public transportation, traffic management, and transportation planning initiatives. We are grateful to the RTC for creating opportunities for small companies and women- and minority-owned Nevada businesses to participate in RTC-funded infrastructure projects.
What Is the RTC’s RISE Program?
RISE stands for resources, involvement, support, and education. The purpose of the program is to help create additional economic opportunities for local diverse businesses, or LDBs, and local small businesses, or LSBs. Certification can make these businesses more discoverable when agencies are looking for vendors to handle all or part of an infrastructure project. Through the program, certified firms can also receive technical assistance. All certified businesses are listed in a database that agencies and contractors can access to locate a suitable source. The program’s goal is for 10% of RTC-funded projects to be awarded to LSBs and LDBs. This is broken down into two categories, which are professional services and construction projects. Respectively, these goals are 2% and 8%.
Why Did Affordable Striping & Sealing Qualify for RISE Certification?
First of all, Affordable Striping & Sealing is a qualified small business, and it is locally owned. It is also a woman-owned business. For more than 17 years, founder Shonda Decker and her exceptional team members have served clients throughout the Las Vegas Valley. By providing exemplary work, going the extra mile for customers, and maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, Shonda and her team have built lasting business relationships and earned an exceptional reputation. The company specializes in parking lot maintenance services, including asphalt sealcoating, pavement and road markings, parking lot striping, traffic sign installation, parking lot design, bumper block installation, and asphalt crack repairs. Free quotes are available upon request; requests can be submitted via the online form, conveyed by calling the office at 702-222-9009, or emailed to Vegas@AffordableStriping.com.
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