Maximize Your ROI With Parking Lot Maintenance
Many property owners choose to install an asphalt parking lot because it is faster and cheaper than a similar concrete lot. Nevertheless, a parking lot is a substantial investment, so you naturally want to maximize your return on the investment. A comprehensive, professionally executed parking lot maintenance plan can help you achieve that goal.
How Does Parking Lot Maintenance Help Maximize My ROI?
Currently, the IRS considers a parking lot as a depreciable asset with a life expectancy of 15 years. Therefore, that should be the minimum life you should strive to achieve for your new parking lot. Without proper asphalt maintenance, you will likely need to replace your parking lot pavement before it is halfway through its projected life. With proactive maintenance, however, you could obtain a useful life of 20 years or more for your asphalt parking lot.
How Does Parking Lot Maintenance Help Asphalt Pavements Last Longer?
Experienced asphalt contractors know that all pavements will eventually deteriorate. However, you can avoid premature deterioration by preventing damage to the best of your ability. Although some procedures, including a parking lot restripe, offer benefits that are primarily aesthetic, others offer critical protection.
Which Asphalt Maintenance Procedures Provide Critical Protection?
There are two economical procedures that provide the greatest benefits when it comes to protecting asphalt pavements.
1. Asphalt Crack Repair: It is impossible to understate the importance of repairing cracks as quickly as possible. Open cracks allow dirt, water, and automotive fluids to enter the break. Once there, these contaminants can worsen the existing damage. Asphalt companies recommend repairing cracks at least annually, and many contractors recommend repairing them every six months.
2. Asphalt Sealcoating: Sealcoating acts as a sunblock to prevent UV rays from turning your asphalt dry and brittle. Brittle, dry asphalt is more likely to crack easily and severely. Sealcoating also protects against the petrochemical fluids that vehicles leak while they are parked in your lot. Petrochemicals destroy the binder that is the glue holding your pavement together. The pavement gets soft and crumbles, practically guaranteeing that a pothole will form in that spot.
Which Maintenance Procedures Offer Primarily Cosmetic Benefits for an Asphalt Parking Lot?
In addition to its protective properties, sealcoating provides cosmetic benefits. In most cases, fresh sealcoating will restore faded asphalt to its original dark color. It also conceals minor surface imperfections, giving your parking lot a smoother appearance. Other procedures can improve safety, satisfy legal requirements, and enhance the aesthetics of your parking lot.
1. Pavement Marking and Striping: Fresh paint can have a dramatic effect on your parking lot’s visual appeal. If you have a workable parking lot design that is ADA-compliant, a parking lot restripe may be all you need. Normally, parking lot paint has an average life of about 18 months in the Las Vegas area.
2. Parking Lot Signs: Like your line striping, parking lot signs must be highly visible to make a significant contribution. The sun can fade signs, or they can suffer damage from vandals or accidents. Their poles can also incur damage. Replace worn-out signs as soon as you notice them.
3. Bumper Blocks: Whether you call them bumper blocks or wheel stops, these devices help drivers position their vehicles while parking. They can also deter unsafe driving practices. Misaligned, crumbling, or broken bumper blocks detract from your parking lot’s aesthetics, and they can also be a safety hazard. Call your contractor to replace your bumper blocks as needed.
At Affordable Striping, we are experts in the asphalt maintenance field. We offer parking lot striping, sealcoating, asphalt crack repair, road markings, parking lot design, traffic signs, parking lot layout, bumper blocks, pavement markings, and maintenance plans. We have a remarkable reputation for quality, service, and professionalism. For a free quote, you can fill out the request form and submit it online, or you can call 702-222-9009.